This repository contains the assignment instructions. Submitted solutions will use a separate repository.
with your solutions to the problems.For updates and questions follow the Slack channel: #assignment4.
This assignment will require the following R packages:
## Warning: replacing previous import by 'bayesplot::pairs_condition' when
## loading 'rstanarm'
## Warning: replacing previous import by 'bayesplot::pairs_style_np' when
## loading 'rstanarm'
## Warning: replacing previous import by 'stats::cov2cor' when loading
## 'rstanarm'
Set the following options for faster sampling sampling. This option sets the default to save a compiled model to disk and reuse it if the code hasn’t changed. This will avoid needless recompilation.
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
If you sample with multiple chains and your computer has multiple cores, this will run the chains in parallel.
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
Fearon and Laitin (2003) is a famous paper in the civil war (intra-state) war literature. It analyzes the factors associated with the onset of civil (intra-state) war between 1945 and 1999. They consider a variety of variables such as prior civil wars, per-capita income, population, non-contiguous state, oil-exporter, new-state, democracy, ethnic fractionalization.
Montgomery and Nyhan (2010) replicate this work using Bayesian Model Averaging. This assignment pursues a similar replication, but we will use regularization. The replication data for the original paper is here.
# variables we'll use later
keepvars <- c("onset", "warl", "gdpenl", "lpopl1", "lmtnest", "ncontig",
"Oil", "nwstate", "instab", "polity2l", "ethfrac", "relfrac",
"anocl", "deml", "nwarsl", "plural", "plurrel", "muslim", "loglang",
"colfra", "eeurop", "lamerica", "ssafrica", "asia", "nafrme",
# original Fearon & Laitin war
fl <- read_dta('') %>%
# remove a coding error
filter(onset != 4) %>%
# add the count of wars in neighboring countries
inner_join(read_dta(""), by = c("ccode", "year")) %>%
# log(number of languages)
mutate(loglang = log(numlang)) %>%
Let \(y_{c,t} \in \{0, 1\}\) be whether country \(c\) in year \(t\) has the onset of a civil war. We will model this as a logistic model in which the probability of civil war onset for a country-year, \(\mu_{c,t}\), is a function of \(K\) predictors, \(x_{c,t}\). \[ \begin{aligned}[t] y_{c,t} &\sim \mathsf{Bernoulli}(\mu_{c,t}) \\ \mu_{c,t} &= \mathrm{logit}^{-1}(\eta_{c,t}) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-\eta_{c,t})} \\ \eta_{c,t} &= x_{c,t} \beta \end{aligned} \] We will consider various prior distributions of the coefficient parameters, \(\beta\).
Estimate the two models that Montgomery and Nyhan (2010) uses in the paper using weakly informative priors, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \beta_0 &\sim N(0, 10) \\ \beta_k &\sim N(0, 2.5) & \text{for $k \in 1, \dots, K$.} \end{aligned} \] Originally this read \(\beta_0 \sim N(0, 5)\), which should also work (but is slighlty more restrictive, especially since civil war is very rare).
Calculate the LOO performance of these methods. When replicating results from papers, you will often have to dig through some confusing code or files, perhaps in programming languages or file formats you’re unfamiliar with (we had to do this to write this question!). The two logit models are the first and third used by Fearon and Laitin (2003). The original paper used Stata, and the code is contained in the file reference-code/f& In Stata, the command logit
is followed by the response variable and a lists of the predictors.
To estimate this (and the other models), you can directly use either a Stan model, as we have used in class, or use the stan_glm
function in the rstanarm package. See the vignette Estimating Generalized Linear Models for Binary and Binomial Data with rstanarm for help with rstanarm GLMs.
Here are a few examples which run similar logit models:
mod <- stan_glm(onset ~ loglang, family = binomial(), data = fl)
loo_mod <- loo(mod)
mod2 <- stan_glm(onset ~ loglang + Oil, family = binomial(), data = fl)
loo_mod2 <- loo(mod2)
compare(loo_mod, loo_mod2)
When estimating these models ensure that the scale of the variables is accounted for. The priors in rstanarm do this automatically when autoscale = TRUE
(default). If you are using rstan, you will have to do this manually.
Now estimate this model with all 25 predictor variables and the following priors:
in stan_glm
in stan_glm
). This may take a long time Try reducing adapt_delta to around 0.6 to speed up sampling.You can use either rstan or rstanarm.
Plot the mean and 90% credible intervals for these models.
As before, be sure that the variables are scaled.
Rerun the weakly informative model, but do not scale the variables. Set autoscale = FALSE
if using stan_glm
or do not scale the parameters if using rstan.
For the best-fitting model, extract the observation-level elpd
. If foo
is an loo
object you can extract these as follows:
Plot the summaries of the observation-level elpd values by year and country. For years and countries does it work well or poorly?
using the results from the previous section. How do they compare to the actual number of parameters in the model?Thus far, we’ve only compared models using the log-posterior values. Using a statistic of your choice, assess the fit of data generated from the model to the actual data using posterior predictive checks.
One variable not in the previous models is the time since the last civil war.1 Beck, Katz, and Tucker (1998) note that a duration model with time-varying covariates can be represented as a binary choice model that includes a function of the time at risk of the event. As such we could rewrite the model \[ \eta_{c,y} = x_{c,y}'\beta + f(d_{c,y}) \] where \(d_{i,t}\) is the time since the last civil war or the first observation of that country in the data.
One issue is that we don’t know the duration function, \(f\). Since \(f\) is unknown, and the analyst generally has few priors about it, generally a flexible functional form is used. Beck, Katz, and Tucker (1998) suggest using a cubic spline, while Carter and Signorino (2010) suggest a polynomial. In particular, Carter and Signorino (2010) suggest a cubic polynomial, meaning the linear predictors now becomes, \[ \eta_{c,y} = x_{c,y}'\beta + \gamma_1 d_{c,y} + \gamma_2 d_{c,y}^2 + \gamma_3 d_{c,y}^3 \]
The time since the last war is not the only way in which time can affect predictions and inference.
The baseline probability of civil war may vary over time. Notably there was an increase in war after the civil war. We could model that as a time-trend, which is an unknown function of \(y\) (in this case): \[ \eta_{c,y} = x_{c,y}'\beta + f(y) \]
In classical regression, special cases of time trends are considered for purposes of parsimony
The linear trend is the most restrictive, and including an indicator variable for each unique value of time (e.g. year dummies) is the most restrictive.
With regularization it is possible to include and estimate flexible time trend while using the shrinkage prior to impose parsimony.
See this page for any differences between when the assignment was released and the current version.
Replicating Fearon and Laitin
Regularization Priors
Variable Scaling
Model Comparison
to assignment-2017-4.pdf
generated from index.Rmd
Variable Scaling
Replicating Fearon and Laitin
.Regularization Priors
Beck, Nathaniel, Jonathan N. Katz, and Richard Tucker. 1998. “Taking Time Seriously: Time-Series-Cross-Section Analysis with a Binary Dependent Variable.” American Journal of Political Science 42 (4). [Midwest Political Science Association, Wiley]: 1260–88.
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., and Christopher J. W. Zorn. 2001. “Duration Models and Proportional Hazards in Political Science.” American Journal of Political Science 45 (4). [Midwest Political Science Association, Wiley]: 972–88.
Carter, David B., and Curtis S. Signorino. 2010. “Back to the Future: Modeling Time Dependence in Binary Data.” Political Analysis 18 (03). Cambridge University Press (CUP): 271–92. doi:10.1093/pan/mpq013.
Fearon, James D., and David D. Laitin. 2003. “Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War.” American Political Science Review 97 (01). Cambridge University Press (CUP): 75–90. doi:10.1017/s0003055403000534.
Montgomery, Jacob M., and Brendan Nyhan. 2010. “Bayesian Model Averaging: Theoretical Developments and Practical Applications.” Political Analysis 18 (02). Cambridge University Press (CUP): 245–70. doi:10.1093/pan/mpq001.
Though it is discussed in a footnote of Fearon and Laitin (2003 fn. 26).↩