See the GitHub repository the history of changes.
- Change due date for Assignment 3
- Add link to today’s readings
- Change due dates of corrections for Assignments 1 to 3.
- move due date for Assignment 2 submission to May 18
- update readings and topics for May 15, 17, 22, and 24 classes. We will extend the time spent on regularized regression, not cover finite mixtures and variational/MAP estimation, and instead cover measurment models.
- add link to in-class materials for May 8 and May 12 classes
- add summary and lecture notes for May 3 class
- add summary and in-class links for May 1 class
- add summary and in-class links for Apr 26 class
- add summary and link to notes for Apr 24 class
- added missing entry for Apr 26 class to schedule page
- changed due date of final research project to June 7
- added peer review assignment due on June 1
- added optional reading for May 1
- added reading for May 3
- added reading for May 15
- added reading for May 17
- added reading for May 22
- added instructions for peer review to research project instructions
- added all research project dates
- added all assignment dates for assignments 1–3
- added readings for weeks 6–7
- fix times and locations of classes
- add final project page
- add dates for final project to schedule.
- add learning objectives to the syllabus.
- add topics to the schedule.
- add readings for Week 1.
- update assignment instructions.
update onboarding instructions.
- add instructions to update all R packages.
- add instructions to install LaTeX.
update git resources page.
- Cleaned up syllabus
- Added office hours
- Initial draft of syllabus page