This document contains a discussion and several examples of Bayes’ Theorem.
For events, \(A\) and \(B\), \[ \underbrace{\Pr(A | B)}_{\text{posterior}} = \frac{\overbrace{\Pr(B | A)}^{\text{likelihood}} \overbrace{\Pr(A)}^{\text{prior}}}{\underbrace{\Pr(B)}_{\text{marginal likelihood}}}, \] where \(\Pr(B) \neq 0\).
For discrete random variables \(X\) which takes values in the set \(\mathcal{X}\) and \(Y\) which takes values in the set \(\mathcal{Y}\), Bayes’ Theorem can be written as, \[ p_{Y|X}(X = x|Y = y) = \frac{p_{Y|X}(Y = y|X = x) p_X(X = x)}{p_Y(Y = y)} = \frac{p_{Y|X}(Y = y|X = x) p_X(X = x)}{\sum_{x \in \mathcal{x}} p_{Y|X}(Y = y|X = x) p_X(X = x)} \]
For continuous random variables \(X\) with support \(X\) and \(Y\) with support \(\mathcal{Y}\), Bayes’ Theorem can be written as, \[ p_{Y|X}(x|Y = y) = \frac{p_{Y|X = x}(y) p_X(x)}{p_Y(y)} = \frac{p_{Y|X = x}(y) p_X(x)}{\int_{x \in \mathcal{x}} p_{Y|X = x}(y) p_X(x) dx} \] Though there are deeper differences between discrete and continuous probability theory, the primary difference in the equations for Bayes’ Theorem with discrete or continuous random variables is whether summation or integration is used to calculate the marginal likelihood.
Suppose you were told that a taxi-cab was involved in a hit-and-run accident one night. Of the taxi-cabs in the city, 85% belonged to the Green company and 15% to the Blue company. You are then asked to estimate the likelihood that the hit-and-run accident involved a green taxi-cab (all else being equal).1
What is the probability that the taxi-cab involved in the hit and run is blue? It is 85%, since we have no other information.
You are then told that an eyewitness had identified the cab as a blue cab. But when her ability to identify cabs under appropriate visibility conditions was tested, she was wrong 20% of the time. What is the probability that the cab is blue?
Let \(H\) bet the event that
Let \(H_B\) (\(H_G\)) be the event that a blue (green) cab committed the hit and run. Let \(W_B\) (\(W_G\)) be the event that the witness reported that a blue (green) cab committed the hit and run.
We are interested in \(\Pr(H_B | W_B)\), the probability that a blue cab committed the hit and run given that the witness reported a blue cab committing the hit and run. \[ \Pr(H_B | W_B) = \frac{\Pr(W_B | H_B) \Pr(H_B)}{\Pr(W_B)} = \frac{\Pr(W_B | H_B) \Pr(H_B)}{\Pr(W_B | H_B) \Pr(H_B) + \Pr(W_B | H_G) \Pr(H_G)}. \]
The prior probabilities of the color of the cab come are the proportions of cabs in the city, \[ \begin{aligned} \Pr(H_B) &= 0.15 ,\\ \Pr(H_G) &= 0.85 . \end{aligned} \]
The conditional probabilities are, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] p(W_B | H_B) &= 0.8 , \\ p(W_B | H_G) &= 0.2 . \end{aligned} \]
The marginal likelihood (model evidence) is the overall probability that a cab is reported to be blue. This considers both the probabilities that a witness reports that the cab is blue when it is blue and reports that it is blue when it is green. \[ \begin{aligned}[t] \Pr(W_B) = \Pr(W_B | H_B) \Pr(H_B) + \Pr(W_B | H_B) \Pr(H_B) \end{aligned} \]
To calculate the posterior distribution, put the prior and likelihoods into a table.
cabs <- tribble(
~ color, ~ prior, ~ likelihood,
"blue", 0.15, 0.8,
"green", 0.85, 0.2
Calculate the marginal probability.
cabs %>%
marginal = sum(likelihood * prior),
posterior = likelihood * prior / marginal
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## color prior likelihood marginal posterior
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 blue 0.150 0.800 0.290 0.414
## 2 green 0.850 0.200 0.290 0.586
Q: Suppose that you know that all cabs in the city are blue or green, but you don’t know the proportions of them. You use the principle of indifference to assign prior probabilities of, \[ \begin{aligned}[t] p(H_B) = p(H_G) = 0.5 . \end{aligned} \] Suppose the witness report is the same, what is the probability that the cab committing the hit and run was blue.
Q: A common answer to this question is “blue”. This mistake is often due to ignoring the prior probability of an event, and interpreting \(P(H_B | W_B) = P(W_B | H_B)\). This is called the base-rate fallacy? What prior does the base-rate fallacy correspond to? In other words, what prior is needed such that \(\Pr(H_B | W_B) = \Pr(W_B | H_B)\).
Q: Suppose that there was was perfectly reliable video evidence of the hit and run, such that \(\Pr(W_B | H_B) = 1\) and \(\Pr(W_B | H_G) = 0\). What is the probability that the cab committing the hit and run was blue?
Q: Suppose that the witness reports that the cab was “yellow”. You know that there are no yellow cabs in the city, thus \(\Pr(H_Y) = 0\). What is the probability that the cab committing the hit and run was yellow, given that the witness reports it being yellow?
What level of accuracy would you require from the witness such that you believed that the cab committing the hit and run was yellow.
Q: What level of accuracy would be required from the witness such that it is more probable that a green cab committed the hit and run than a blue cab?
Q: There have been various proposals to quantify what is meant by “beyond a reasonable doubt”. But for the purpose of this question, let’s suppose that beyond a reasonable doubt is a probability greater or equal to 0.8. What level of accuracy is required from the witness to meet the reasonable doubt standard?
Consider this simplified mode of scientific research. Let \(H\) (\(\lnot H\)) be the event that a hypothesis is true (false). Let \(D\) (\(\lnot D\)) be the result of a hypothesis test of \(H\).2
Suppose that the test uses statistical significance level of \(\alpha = 0.05\) Since statistical significance controls the presence of type I error, \[ P(H | \lnot D) = \alpha = 0.05 \]
alpha <- 0.05
Suppose that the test uses a power level of \(\beta = 0.8\). Since power is \(1 - \Pr(\text{Type II error})\), \[ \Pr(H | D) = \beta = 0.8 \]
beta <- 0.8
Given that information, suppose that you observe \(D\). Can you calculate \(\Pr(H | D)\)?
No. By Bayes’ Theorem, \[ \Pr(H | D) = \frac{\Pr(D | H) \Pr(H)}{\Pr(D)} \] We cannot calculate this because we do not know \(\Pr(H)\).
Suppose that a priori, many hypotheses are false. We will set \(\Pr(H)\) to the following value, but will explore how the posterior changes with respect to different values of it. \[ \Pr(H) = 0.1 . \]
With this information we can calculate \[ \Pr(H | D) = \frac{\Pr(D | H) \Pr(H)}{\Pr(D | H) \Pr(H) + \Pr(D | \lnot H) \Pr(\lnot H)} \]
p_theta <- 0.1
science <- tribble(
~ theta, ~ x, ~ prior, ~ likelihood,
TRUE, TRUE, p_theta, beta,
TRUE, FALSE, p_theta, 1 - beta,
FALSE, TRUE, 1 - p_theta, alpha,
FALSE, FALSE, 1 - p_theta, 1 - alpha
Calculate the posterior probability for each value of theta
, for the different cases of x
group_by(science, x) %>%
mutate(marginal = sum(likelihood * prior),
posterior = likelihood * prior / marginal
) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 x 6
## # Groups: x [2]
## theta x prior likelihood marginal posterior
## <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 TRUE FALSE 0.100 0.200 0.875 0.0229
## 2 FALSE FALSE 0.900 0.950 0.875 0.977
## 3 TRUE TRUE 0.100 0.800 0.125 0.640
## 4 FALSE TRUE 0.900 0.0500 0.125 0.360
Suppose a survey includes 20,000 respondents.3 Of them 19,500 are citizens and 500 are not. Suppose that 99.9% of the time, the survey question response is correct (citizens respond that they are citizens, and non-citizens respond that they are non-citizens). The survey against voting records, which provides the estimate \(P(v = 1 | c = 0) = 0.7\)
What is the probability of being a non-citizen given that a person reported being a non-citizen?
sample_size <- 20000
non_citizens <- 500
p_non_citizen <- non_citizens / 20000
accuracy <- 0.999
prior_citizen <- 0.5
~ citizen_reported, ~ citizen, ~ prior, ~ likelihood,
TRUE, TRUE, prior_citizen, accuracy,
TRUE, FALSE, prior_citizen, 1 - accuracy,
FALSE, TRUE, 1 - prior_citizen, accuracy,
FALSE, FALSE, 1 - prior_citizen, 1 - accuracy
## # A tibble: 4 x 4
## citizen_reported citizen prior likelihood
## <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 TRUE TRUE 0.500 0.999
## 2 TRUE FALSE 0.500 0.00100
## 3 FALSE TRUE 0.500 0.999
## 4 FALSE FALSE 0.500 0.00100
Suppose that citizens vote with 70% probability, and non-citizens never vote.
Example from Tversky, D. Kahneman, Evidential impact of base rates, in Judgement under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases, D. Kahneman, P. Slovic, A. Tversky (editors), Cambridge University Press, 1982.↩
This example is derived from Ioannides, John P. A. (2005) “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”, PLOS Medicine.↩
This example is from Stephen Ansolabehere, Samantha Luks, Brian F. Schaffner, The Perils of Cherry Picking Low Frequency Events in Large Sample Surveys.↩